
Please read this in full. I’ve received quite a few emails that do not fit the standards I expect to receive in emails. I will either not respond or place your email in my spam folder. See the examples for more information.

Vlexo is a PR friendly website – we accept high quality guest posts that fit with the topic of this site and preferably from authority figures who have an interest in the following topics: 

  • Social media
  • Digital Advertising – Digital Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • WordPress, Drupal, Content Management Systems
  • Reviews of online products

Obviously, Vlexo.NET is mostly about search engine optimisation. This is because Jonathan works for a media agency in London that deals with SEO for some very large brands. However, this doesn’t go to say that the other topics are less valuable, and I’ll accept them on this site if there is any value to be added for the readers that come across Vlexo.


  • High quality
  • Uniqueness
  • Links must be relevant
  • Great outreach emails (lately I’ve been getting a lot of spammy looking outreach emails)

If you’ve managed to read all of the above then feel free to send an email using the following contact form. You can send us a pitch and if you do send a pitch then be sure to include the title of the article you want to write with 3 bullet points detailing what you would like to write about.

Examples of emails that I won’t respond to

Title:  Content Link advertisement for


I found your website through search engine and I am interested to have some business with you. If you agree to place some of my “Blogpost Links” on your website then I can instantly send you a suitable amount. My links are free from pornography and non spammy. If you show your approval then I will send you my deal and the price I am willing to pay for my “Text Links”.

Waiting for your reply,




Hi Team,

Hope you are doing great …!!!
We have one article which can be published on your site
Article topic is related to “How To Site ” which suits your site.
Once this article is published will not be shared with any other site.
Do let us know if we can send the article to you for review.

Best Regards,

Double nope.

Writing a good email is half the battle. The content also has to be to a high standard. I won’t accept any article that has been spun or generated using software. Take a look at the “Best SEO Tools & Resources You’ll Need in 2014” article – this is the sort of content that I’m looking for on this site.

13 + 9 =