Related Posts WordPress Plugins for your blog
12SHARESFacebookTwitter There are a few plugins that will help you to integrate related posts into your blog. These are good because they show the readers what other posts you have written, and are very good for keeping people on your website. If you can keep people on your website and looking at your blog posts then they are more likely to gain a liking for your website and want to return at a later date. You may even convince them to sign up for your RSS feed so that they become fond weekly readers. Here are a few you may like to try. Related Posts by Category This is a tool that allows you to link your posts by what other posts are in the same category. In this way it automates the process and is only as successful as your categorizing skills. For example, if you are putting unrelated nonsense into your categories, then unrelated nonsense is all that is going to appear in your related content/ suggestion section. If you are very conscientious about your categories then a reasonably good range should appear in your suggested content/related content section. Shareaholic This is a plugin that will add a social bookmarking menu to your posts. It may also add a related content widget to your blog post, its pages, its index, or all of them. There are at least two million people who have tried this plugin so it must have something going for it. Related Links You may use this plugin to manually link up your posts in a very easy-to-do and simple manner if you wish. You can link up your posts in a way that makes jumping from one to the other a step of intuition. You can link to pages if you want, or you can link to certain posts. It means you are able to link one or two to your categories, and then add a few other links to specific posts. You can use custom URLs, and you can even pick external pages to link to too. Related Posts for WordPress Use this plugin to manually select your posts that you want displaying as recommended/suggested or related content. You can use the widget or you can use the shortcode. Related Posts by Zemanta This is one of those plugins that also works on their own network. You can suggest posts on your blog and on their Zemanta’s websites. You have to hand pick the ones that you want to use on their websites. As a standalone suggestion tool it is not too bad. ELI’s Related Posts Footer...