What new features does WordPress 3.8 give us?

Crowned as the “most beautiful WordPress yet”, what exactly does this new version give us aside from a new fancy user interface?

From first glance, and from not even reading the full list of feature updates, I can already see that they’ve made this version of WordPress very tablet friendly. You only to have to login to WordPress via tablet or minimise your browser to see that it will respond (responsive design) to whatever resolution you’re working in.

See this as an example:

WordPress 3.8 tablet vs desktop What new features does WordPress 3.8 give us?

As you can see, the text is replaced by those larger icons – so that it fits quite comfortably when you’re browsing the WordPress 3.8 admin control centre.

You’ll also notice that from a design perspective, things have become much darker on the menu side of things. The default colours have changed from white to black. I personally love this change, as it gives the WordPress 3.8 admin area that sleek feel and the white text behind a black ground makes it easy on the eyes. On that note, you can change the colour schemes in the admin control centre with a colour picker that WordPress have incorporated into the latest build:

colour picker What new features does WordPress 3.8 give us?

You’ll notice that most of this review has been focused on the design aspects of WordPress 3.8. This is because the 3.8 is all about updating the user interface to give it that sleek and sexy look. To addon to this sentiment, WordPress have also released a new theme called “Twenty Fourteen”. It’s a magazine based theme and it looks quite sleek, although I’ve found that it would require a lot of tweaking to make it look like the image WordPress has given us:

Twenty Fourteen A beautiful magazine theme What new features does WordPress 3.8 give us?


There’s not too much that I can delve into when it comes to features, as this 3.8 update seems to have been all about design. As always, the WordPress team have delivered a fantastic result and I feel they’ve added enough features, that another feature update would be somewhat superfluous.

Author: Jonathan Jones

I first first started creating websites back in 2005. This led me to creating a free web hosting business in 2007, which still exists today. I ventured into creating types of websites such as blogs and forums using Wordpress, vBulletin, Invision Power Board, Drupal and Joomla. I've since worked on some of the leading brands in the UK finance sector, in the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) field, and now work for MoneySuperMarket, the #1 price comparison website in the UK. Social: Google+ and Twitter.

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