WordPress media uploader
5SHARESFacebookTwitter I’m a little late on the WordPress update as of recent to 3.3, however I’m loving the new layout and features, that I’m now discovering. The biggest feature in the update, in my opinion, is the new media upload function. It works similar to that of Google’s online Picasa; which I use frequently. Which is originally why I used Picasa. However with this update in mind, I feel no need to make use of Picasa. Although I’ll use a lot of webspace, uploading my own photo’s to my own server, it will be much much easier now. Before I had to upload my pictures one by one. Now it is as simple as copy and drag into this new uploading function. Thank you...
WYSIWYG visual editor not working for WordPress?
12SHARESFacebookTwitter I faced this problem on one of my WordPress websites and a simple fix was not so simple, so I completely replaced the WYSIWYG editor that comes as default with the WordPress installation. I looked online and it seemed people were looking for solutions to actually fix the editing part of the script. But why bother? I completely replaced it with this: CKeditor for WordPress (This completely replaces your old WYSIWYG editor. So if you have any problems with the defualt one, this one is a perfect replacement for it!) I tried everything to fix the issue I had previous to installing this, but really this WYSIWYG editor is much better than the default editor. Here is a screenshot of it: When I mean I tried everything, I tried everything bar-reinstalling my entire WordPress installation otherwise that would have screwed up the many plugins I have installed and the many graphical and back-end changes I made to the WordPress installation. But as you can see and if you have indeed experienced WordPress you will see instantly that there are more options with this editor while also being more pleasant to look at. 😀 (Win-win!) It totally overwrites your previous WYSIWYG editor which is what makes this “FIX” much better than fixing the default back-end editor. So this is a perfect solution to fix your problem with your WordPress WYSIWYG...