Review of Stable Host

I haven’t done a review of a hosting company in a while now and I remember when I used to use dedicated servers and VPSs that I used to do periodical reviews of them to ensure that they’d keep their quality.
Ever since becoming a shared hosted user, I’ve never really done a review for shared hosts as I didn’t consider them that important. That is, of course, far from the truth. However, I’ve got to give my current host credit as they have recently, or especially this year have been very good.
Last year, however, I had a few bad experiences and I very nearly switched web hosts.
Those bad experiences included my entire web directory being exposed for a brief period on an aggregate directory.
I was, however, compensated for that and I actually haven’t had to pay any hosting bills, for the past 5 months, as they credited my account with $50; my web hosting monthly bill is only $3.95. – I still have 3 months of free web hosting left.
While the host has not been perfect, they haven’t done anything else to make me switch to another web host. However, I still am thinking very hard of switching hosts due to other reasons.
In 2012, however, I faced serious problems with things being slow and I asked if I could be moved to another server. They did this and I saw improvements. But, as I’m writing this now, I’m getting really bad loading times on my websites. It has made me want to move hosts and I’m still thinking about moving.
I’d like to add that for the first 3-4 months or the majority of 2013, things have been running smoothly. I haven’t really had any problems. However, I can’t always monitor my site and at times I do get rather annoyed with how slowly my sites are loading. Whether it’s a user on the same server using a lot of CPU or their servers not being up scratch; well, I don’t know.
While their servers speeds have been an issue, their support is superb. I’ve been with Stable Host since December 2nd, 2011 and I whenever I’ve needed to contact them, I haven’t been left stranded and they do reply. After checking my support tickets, they seem to respond within the hour, which is pretty decent for a shared host. I remember the last host that I left in-place for Stable Host responded within 1-3 hours.
I’m quite content and happy with their response times; however, this year, I haven’t really had to contact them all too much as their service, for the most part, has been going well. Aside from periodical slowness, I can’t complain too much. But that is also a deal-breaker for me. If my sites are running slow then people won’t like browsing my sites and that simply is not good. Are their servers being overused? Who knows. Are they pro-actively taking care of it? I don’t know.
While I think this host is ‘okay’, I definitely think they need to make improvements. I would rate this host 3 out of 5.
July 20, 2014
Thank you for your detail review. Do you use Enterprise hosting at Stablehost ? It has SSD, two CPU cores, but I don’t know how many ram we will have ?
Stablehost seem is the best web hosting right now.
January 10, 2015
Nice Review . I too moved to StableHost and I feeling relaxed Now. When I was with Hostgator new problem occurs each day and I’m Helpless. Heard that only 10 people working with StableHost and those Guyz are rocking. Over my past few months, I have downtime of about 3 minutes only(as reported by Jetpack Plugin). I recommend anyone to buy StableHost
January 10, 2015
As I can see via my Enterprise hosting account, Ram is 5gb, 3gb for shared hosting
August 22, 2015
I am a new user in Stable host, everything works fine till now. Hope it stays in this way.